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Potential Duplicate
Potential Duplicate

Understanding the Potential Duplicate warning.

Lucas Bastos avatar
Written by Lucas Bastos
Updated over 3 months ago

This support article explains what is a Potential Duplicate and how to handle it in Euler and your CRM.

Whenever you receive a Partner or Referral submission, Euler searches your CRM for potential duplicates before you accept/reject it. We do this to give you all the information you need before accepting/rejecting this submission, allowing you to keep your CRM clean and organized.

This duplicate check happens slightly differently if you use Hubspot or Salesforce, so we will cover them separately.


When accepting a Partner/Referral submission in Euler, we will always create a Contact and/or a Company (if they don't already exist) in Hubspot. So, these are the objects for which we will look for duplicates;

  • Contacts: We will search for existing contacts using their email addresses. If a contact already exists in your CRM, we will use that record instead of creating a new one.

  • Companies (Partners): We will search for existing companies using the company name. If the company already exists in your CRM, we will use that record instead of creating a new one.

If a Potential Duplicate happens, you will have 3 options to continue. They are:

  1. Proceed with Creation: This will create the objects (company and contact) in your CRM or use the existing one (the one that was flagged as a potential duplicate). It will also create the partner and partner contact in Euler.

  2. Mark as Approved: This will only change the status to Approved without creating anything in Euler or your CRM.

  3. Reject: This will mark the submission as rejected.

Partner Submission

Use the diagram below to guide your decision about whether to Reject, Mark as Approved, or Proceed with Creation.

Referral Submission

Use the diagram below to guide your decision about whether to Reject, Mark as Approved, or Proceed with Creation.


Partner Submission

When you receive a new Partner submission in Euler, we will look for existing Accounts and Contacts in Salesforce:

  • Lead/Contacts: We will search for existing Contacts and Leads with the same email address.

    • If there is a Contact with the same email address, we will use that contact instead of creating a new one.

    • If there is a Lead with the same email address, you should convert that Lead into a Contact before accepting the Partner submission, otherwise Salesforce will return a duplicate error and the partner creation will fail.

  • Accounts (Partner): We will search for existing accounts using the partner/referral name. If the Account already exists in your CRM, we will use that record instead of creating a new one.

If a Potential Duplicate happens, you will have 3 options to continue. They are:

  1. Proceed with Creation: This will create the objects (account and contact) in your CRM or use the existing one (the one that was flagged as a potential duplicate). It will also create the partner and partner contact in Euler. Do not use this option if the Partner already exists in Euler but not in your CRM (talk to support).

  2. Mark as Approved: This will only change the status to Approved without creating anything in Euler or your CRM.

  3. Reject: This will mark the submission as rejected.

Use the diagram below to guide your decision about whether to Reject, Mark as Approved, or Proceed with Creation.

Referral Submission

For Referral Submissions, there are two flows that you can follow:

  1. Create Contact + Account + Opportunity

  2. Create Lead

Read the one that applies to you.

1. Contact + Account + Opportunity

When you want to create all 3 objects, these are the searches we do for potential duplicates:

  • Lead/Contacts: We will search for existing Contacts and Leads with the same email address.

    • If there is a Contact with the same email address, we will use that contact instead of creating a new one.

    • If there is a Lead with the same email address, you should convert that Lead into a Contact before accepting the Partner submission, otherwise Salesforce will return a duplicate error and the partner creation will fail.

  • Accounts: We will search for existing accounts using the partner/referral name. If the Account already exists in your CRM, we will use that record instead of creating a new one.

If a Potential Duplicate happens, you will have 3 options to continue. They are:

  1. Proceed with Creation: This will create the objects (account and contact) in your CRM or use the existing one (the one that was flagged as a potential duplicate). It will also create the opportunity.

  2. Mark as Approved: This will only change the status to Approved without creating anything in Euler or your CRM. Use this option if the Referral is already in your CRM.

  3. Reject: This will mark the submission as rejected.

2. Lead

When you want to create a Lead, this is the search we do for potential duplicates:

  • Lead/Contact: We will search for existing Contacts and Leads with the same email address.

    • If there is a Contact with the same email address, you'll need to create the Lead manually in your CRM.

    • If there is a Lead with the same email address, you should mark this submission as approved

If a Potential Duplicate happens, you will have 2 options to continue. They are:

  1. Proceed with Creation: You can only use this option is you flex the Duplicate Rule in Salesforce. Allowing us to create duplicates.

  2. Mark as Approved: You can also create it manually in SF and then mark the submission as approved. Salesforce allows you to create duplicates in the UI, but not via API.

  3. Reject: This will mark the submission as rejected.

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