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Integrating HubSpot

How to integrate Euler with Hubspot

David Link avatar
Written by David Link
Updated this week

There are two ways to integrate Euler into your HubSpot account. Read only access and Read / Write access. We highly recommend integrating with Read / Write access.

Integrating with Read / Write access

  1. Log in to Euler and navigate to the Integrations page

  2. Under HubSpot click Integrate

  3. On the popup select Read / Write

  4. Follow the flow to flow to authorize the integration

After setting up this flow we will work with you on writing your

Integration with Read Only access

  1. Log in to Euler and navigate to the Integrations page

  2. Under Hubspot click Integrate

  3. On the popup select Read / Write

  4. Follow the flow to flow to authorize the integration

Please note: if you choose the Read Only integration, you will not be able to write any data from Euler to HubSpot. That includes: partners, referrals, and contacts

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