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Partner Portal Visibility
Partner Portal Visibility

How to configure partner portal visibility

David Link avatar
Written by David Link
Updated over 10 months ago

This guide explains how to configure visibility settings for your Euler Partner Portal. By controlling which sections partners can access, you can create a tailored experience that meets their specific needs.

There are two ways to manage Partner Portal visibility:

  • Global Settings: Apply the same settings to all partners at once.

  • Individual Partner Settings: Grant access to specific sections on a partner-by-partner basis.

Accessing and Using Global Settings

  1. Log in to your Euler account.

  2. Navigate to the Partners section (the specific location may vary depending on your Euler account setup).

  3. Click on Settings.exclamation

  4. Look for the Partner Portal Visibility section.

Here, you'll see a list of sections available in the Partner Portal, such as Referrals, Deals, Content, and Payments. By default, none of these sections are enabled.exclamation

  • Enable a Section Globally: Toggle the switch next to the desired section name.

  • Add Helper Text (Optional): Provide additional context for partners about a particular section. This text will be displayed throughout the portal wherever that section is available.

Global settings are ideal for core functionalities that all partners should have access to. Since changes you make here will overwrite any individual partner settings, use them judiciously.

Accessing and Using Individual Partner Settings

  1. Log in to your Euler account.

  2. Navigate to the Partners section (the specific location may vary depending on your Euler account setup).

  3. Click on the desired partner's name.

  4. Look for the Partner Portal Visibility section.

This section functions similarly to the global settings, but allows you to configure visibility on a per-partner basis.exclamation

  • Enable or Disable Sections: Use the toggles next to each section to grant or restrict access for that specific partner.

  • Add Specific Helper Text (Optional): You can add custom helper text that applies only to that partner.

Use individual partner settings for sections that may not be relevant to all partners. For example, you might not want to show the Payments section to partners who don't receive commissions.

Optimizing Partner Portal Visibility

By effectively using both global and individual settings, you can provide your partners with a user-friendly experience that ensures they have the information and tools they need to succeed.

For further assistance:

  • Refer to the Euler Partner Portal documentation for more details.

  • Contact Euler Support if you have any questions.

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