Welcome to the Euler Change Log! This article serves as a comprehensive record of the enhancements, fixes, and new features we’ve released. Our goal is to keep you informed of the latest updates and improvements to your Euler experience. We strive for transparency and want you to have easy access to changes that may affect your workflows or introduce new capabilities. Check back regularly to stay up-to-date with the latest developments.
Date | Category | Description |
01/13/24 | Invoice/Statement Status - Partner Portal | Enable customers to choose which statuses should be visible to the partner (Settings > General > Invoices Visibility). |
12/1/24 | Analytics (beta) | Introduced the ability to create unlimited custom dashboards with saved filters, along with scheduled email sends for dashboards to keep teams informed automatically. |
11/25/24 | Potential Duplicate | Help users identify records that might already exist in the CRM, ensuring cleaner data and reducing redundancies when accepting new Partners/Referrals. |
11/14/24 | Deals tables | On the deals tables (main dashboard and partner page), customers can now see which deals do not have an incentive attached. Click or hover over the indicator to take action |
10/29/24 | Partners > Agreements | Send an agreement to a partner from a partner object in Euler |
10/24/24 | CRM Architecture | multi-object partner architecture (ie partners live in distinctly different objects) |
10/17/24 | EulerPay (beta) | Flow of funds & UI |
10/8/24 | Forms | External form email/website validation |
10/2/24 | Various |
9/26/24 | Euler Pay (beta) | Partner & Customer Euler Pay onboarding |
9/23/24 | External Forms | Customers can now change the submit button color |
9/19/24 | Settings > Forms | Add consent copy (or any text before the submit button) as a form setting |
9/19/24 | Settings > Details | Custom Branding: Upload company logo for display in Partner Portal |
9/17/24 | Settings > Partner Access | Update the "partner access" list of invites UI (there is a new status called 'failed' for when an invite email is bounced) |
9/15/24 | Settings > Forms | Duplicate forms |
9/15/24 | Tags | Associate tags in the following places:
9/15/24 | Settings > Partner Access | Partner Access: filter list by status (invited/accepted) |
8/30/24 | Incentives Page |
9/3/24 | Tracking links | Cover the case where the base link already has a URL param (and we need to add the |